An error has occurred

Unfortunately, the operation could not be executed because an error has occurred. If possible, correct the cause of the error and try again. The error message may prove useful.

The error message was:The ciphertext has an invalid padding length (107) compared to the block size (8)

Error message
The ciphertext has an invalid padding length (107) compared to the block size (8)
Exception class
Error code
Thrown from
/srv/www/ +2595
  1. phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey->unpad() called at /srv/www/ : eval()'d code +219
  2. phpseclib3\Crypt\Blowfish->{closure}() called at /srv/www/ +1726
  3. phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey->decrypt() called at /srv/www/ +289
  4. app\Application->decryptValue() called at /srv/www/ +7
  5. include() called at /srv/www/ +22
  6. sergiosgc\router\Templated->include() called at /srv/www/ +61
  7. sergiosgc\router\Templated->output() called at /srv/www/ +6